Our Dogs

Dogs with a Purpose, Meet our Canine Athletes

At Yellowstone Dog Sled Adventures, our dogs are the stars of the show!  Our dogs are awesome, Alaskan Huskies, Malamutes, & Siberian Huskies... many of them, we have adopted, or rescued.  We also breed litters as our needs require.   Our goal is to give dogs a well-adjusted, socialized, joyful life.  We strive to meet our goal, by making sure our dogs get plenty of exercise, training, socialization, stimulation and proper health care and nutrition.   Our ability to house and train dogs in-need, is directly tied to taking people dogsledding.  We aren't a non-profit sanctuary.  We adopt dogs that need a home, a job and a team.  We then all work together to create a rewarding life for ourselves and our dogs.  We hope you join us this winter.